Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Approaching SELLING like we do a VACATION!

We recently took our grown children and their families on a vacation to the Turks & Caicos Islands. It occurred to me as we had the time of our lives with them, that a vacation is a great model for effective selling!!

Here’s the 12-step analogy I realized:
1. Vacation: Our first step was to determine a place all three generations would enjoy
Selling:Much like thinking thru the profile of a good prospect

2. Vacation: Then we asked everybody what they’d most like to do
Selling: Along the lines of determining the customer’s needs

3. Vacation: We used the internet to research all the places that seemed to fit
Selling: Matching the prospects requirements/needs with our ability to deliver

4. Vacation: We determined our budget
Selling: Deciding how much were willing to invest in the deal

5. Vacation: As we approached the departure day we carefully planned what to pack
Selling: Reminding me of the importance of being sure the presentation was ready and customized for the prospect

6. Vacation: We arrived at the airport in plenty of time to make our flights
Selling: Just as we should arrive a few minutes early on any sales call

7. Vacation: We took small “emergency” bags on board in case our luggage didn’t arrive with us
Selling: As we should be sure the technology, handouts etc. are ready with backups available

8. Vacation: When we arrived we immediately walked around the lovely resort to get a sense of how it all worked
Selling: Reminding me of the importance visiting with the reception people and any others to get a sense of the culture and how we might modify our presentation style to fit with their business culture

9. Vacation: While we were there we immersed ourselves in all there was to do; diving often, swimming, hiking, learning about a new and different culture
Selling: Just like we need to show a real and sincere interest in learning all we can about our prospect and how they operate, make decisions
and buy

10. Vacation: We took photos and kept diaries of our events so we wouldn’t forget them
Selling: Just as we should all take careful notes to remind us of the details and nuances of the potential sale

11. Vacation: When we got home we made photo albums for each to have as a memory of the trip
Selling: As we should commemorate and share with our team the results of significant meetings and communications

12. Vacation: We took a family poll to see what we liked best and what we’ll do differently on our next one
Selling: Just as we should seek feedback and adjust accordingly

“If we could just inspire our salespeople to plan their day like they plan their vacation— performance would increase dramatically!”