Sunday, April 10, 2011

the 6th Law of Sales

• Don’t misinterpret “the customer is always right.” The customer is right about his desires, perhaps even his requirements. But all too often they really don’t know what they don’t know. They have come to you to add value to their purchase decision. An example is a woman at a cosmetics counter - they’ve been applying their cosmetics for years, they know exactly how they want to look, yet they ask question after question at the counter. Why? Because they know the person they are talking to is experienced and trained with all products including the latest and may have ideas and knowledge they don‘t. Customers want to be educated, to be shown a better way, to have their needs/requirements refined to take advantage of current products/services and methodologies. They don’t want to make a mistake and be “sold” what they asked for, when they could’ve done better with some expert input and guidance. Listen, interpret their comments, and then offer a solution that adds value to the transaction.

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